Construction Management of EVH & UVH Transmission Lines A Practical Guide

Authors : Biswanath Sahu

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG067

Abstract : Generation projects are generally located in areas nearer to availability of inputs required for power generation such as water, coal, approach roads and having rail transport facilities. The load centers are at different locations depending its own convenience load requirement. Hence there is necessity of transmission of bulk power from generation sites to load or consumer points. Hence the utility of power transmission through EHV/UHV transmission lines. Further for transmission of bulk power from one region of country to another region also warrants establishment of Transmission lines. The technical as well as social and commercial criteria are very important while construction and erection of EHV and UHV transmission lines. These issues are of public as well as organization importance and hence efforts have been made in this presentation to elaborate in detail.

Keywords : The key words in this paper are Right of Way (ROW); Crop, Tree and land compensation; clearances; Government stipulations; commercial issues, Farmer issues; soil conditions; Forest, Highways, Rly ways approvals etc

Generation projects are generally located in areas nearer to availability of inputs required for power generation such as water, coal, approach roads and having rail transport facilities. The load centers are at different locations depending its own convenience load requirement. Hence there is necessity of transmission of bulk power from generation sites to load or consumer points. Hence the utility of power transmission through EHV/UHV transmission lines. Further for transmission of bulk power from one region of country to another region also warrants establishment of Transmission lines. The technical as well as social and commercial criteria are very important while construction and erection of EHV and UHV transmission lines. These issues are of public as well as organization importance and hence efforts have been made in this presentation to elaborate in detail.

Keywords : The key words in this paper are Right of Way (ROW); Crop, Tree and land compensation; clearances; Government stipulations; commercial issues, Farmer issues; soil conditions; Forest, Highways, Rly ways approvals etc

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