Compound Odontoma Associated with Impacted Maxillary Anterior Teeth: A Case Report
Authors : Dr. Kushdeep Kumar Gupta; Dr. Vinay Mohan; Dr. Anuj Gaur; Dr. Shrey Srivastava
Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract : Odontomas are the most common odontogenic tumors. They are usually asymptomatic ,discovered on routine radiographic examination. It may be associated with impacted or retained teeth or may be a cause of delayed teeth eruption. Here we discuss a case report of 19 year old female patient who had a impacted central incisor associated with odontome
Keywords : Complex odontome, compound odontome, impacted teeth.
Keywords : Complex odontome, compound odontome, impacted teeth.