Authors :
Riswal Karamma , Muh.Saleh Pallu
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
Some Synthetic Unit Hidrograf (HSS) is created by using the data of rainfall and river discharge data on Watersheds (DAS) located in the Jeneberang Gowa Regency of South Sulawesi province with major rivers namely the Jeneberang River. Model hidrograf produced from HSS saw different results with different models of hidrograf observations based on data. Brdasarkan analysis results by using the secondary debit data measurable and measured rainfall and WATERSHED characteristics Jeneberang obtained results with the method of discharge peaks have Snyder HSS flooding amounting to 9.6 m3/sec on time 9.12, with methods HSS Nakayasu flood peak discharge has amounted to 19.84 m3/sec on time 5.69, HSS Gama-I have a flood peak discharge of 14.77 m3/sec on time 2.64 hours. The results of this study showed that the Synthetic method of Hidrograf unit of Nakayasu has more calculation results approaching the measured data in the field is compared to the Synthetic method of Hidrograf Units (HSS) to another.
Keywords :
Watersheds (DAS), Hidrograf
Some Synthetic Unit Hidrograf (HSS) is created by using the data of rainfall and river discharge data on Watersheds (DAS) located in the Jeneberang Gowa Regency of South Sulawesi province with major rivers namely the Jeneberang River. Model hidrograf produced from HSS saw different results with different models of hidrograf observations based on data. Brdasarkan analysis results by using the secondary debit data measurable and measured rainfall and WATERSHED characteristics Jeneberang obtained results with the method of discharge peaks have Snyder HSS flooding amounting to 9.6 m3/sec on time 9.12, with methods HSS Nakayasu flood peak discharge has amounted to 19.84 m3/sec on time 5.69, HSS Gama-I have a flood peak discharge of 14.77 m3/sec on time 2.64 hours. The results of this study showed that the Synthetic method of Hidrograf unit of Nakayasu has more calculation results approaching the measured data in the field is compared to the Synthetic method of Hidrograf Units (HSS) to another.
Keywords :
Watersheds (DAS), Hidrograf