Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Patient Taking Pregabalin and Desvenlafaxine in Neuropathic Pain

Authors : Neenu Rachel Santhosh; Ajay K Raj; Rahmathullah SN; Dr.Abdu Rahman; Sereena A

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG221

Abstract : To compare safety and efficacy of pregabalin and desvenlafaxine respectively for treating Neuropathic Pain. 04 patients were entered into a prospective observational study of pregabalin and desvenlafaxine in neuropathic pain for 6 months. Patients were randomly arranged into 2 groups, 52 patients received pregabalin and other group of 52 patients received desvenlafaxine. The initialassessement were made during the first visit and two subsequent reviews were done in 2 months interval, up to 6 months. Visual analogue pain scores, incidence of side effects were measured. The pain scores(mean±S.D.) were 5.37±1.14 and 6.7±1.39 respectively for desvenlafaxine and pregabalin.The low pain score of desvenlafaxine was associated with prolonged pain relief. There were pronounced differences in incidence of side effect between the two drugs: pregabalin, 36.5% compared to desvenlafaxine, 7%. The study findings revealed that desvenlafaxine is more safe and efficacious than pregabalin. Thus this study recommends the use of desvenlafaxine for neuropathic pain over pregabalin

Keywords : Desvenlafaxine, Pregabalin, pain, Neuropathic pain.

To compare safety and efficacy of pregabalin and desvenlafaxine respectively for treating Neuropathic Pain. 04 patients were entered into a prospective observational study of pregabalin and desvenlafaxine in neuropathic pain for 6 months. Patients were randomly arranged into 2 groups, 52 patients received pregabalin and other group of 52 patients received desvenlafaxine. The initialassessement were made during the first visit and two subsequent reviews were done in 2 months interval, up to 6 months. Visual analogue pain scores, incidence of side effects were measured. The pain scores(mean±S.D.) were 5.37±1.14 and 6.7±1.39 respectively for desvenlafaxine and pregabalin.The low pain score of desvenlafaxine was associated with prolonged pain relief. There were pronounced differences in incidence of side effect between the two drugs: pregabalin, 36.5% compared to desvenlafaxine, 7%. The study findings revealed that desvenlafaxine is more safe and efficacious than pregabalin. Thus this study recommends the use of desvenlafaxine for neuropathic pain over pregabalin

Keywords : Desvenlafaxine, Pregabalin, pain, Neuropathic pain.

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