Authors :
Suhag Pandya
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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Abstract :
Sentiment analysis is widely recognised as the
most actively researched area in data mining. These days,
a number of social media platforms have been created, and
Twitter is a crucial instrument for exchanging and
gathering people's thoughts, feelings, opinions, and
attitudes about specific things. This paper presents a
comparative analysis of Large Language Models (LLMs)
and ML models for sentiment analysis on a Twitter
dataset. The study evaluates a performance of XLNet,
advance algorithms including KNN, RF, and XGBoost.
The sentiment analysis methodology involves pre-
processing the Twitter dataset through noise removal and
tokenisation, followed by feature extraction using methods
like Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec. Results show that
XLNet is superior to the conventional models; It has 99%
precision, recall, and F1-score values and an accuracy rate
of 99.54%. In comparison, KNN achieves 78% accuracy,
85% precision, 88% recall, and 86% F1 score, while RF
and XGBoost exhibit lower performance with accuracy
rates of 69% and 60%, respectively. The performance
comparison highlights the superior capabilities of XLNet
for sentiment classification tasks, indicating its potential
for enhancing text classification applications. Research in
the future can look at ways to improve XLNet's
performance on bigger and more complicated datasets by
combining it with more sophisticated deep learning
methods like attention mechanisms and transfer learning.
Keywords :
Sentiment Analysis, LLM, Twitter Dataset, Natural Language Processing, Text Classification, Social Media Analytics.
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Sentiment analysis is widely recognised as the
most actively researched area in data mining. These days,
a number of social media platforms have been created, and
Twitter is a crucial instrument for exchanging and
gathering people's thoughts, feelings, opinions, and
attitudes about specific things. This paper presents a
comparative analysis of Large Language Models (LLMs)
and ML models for sentiment analysis on a Twitter
dataset. The study evaluates a performance of XLNet,
advance algorithms including KNN, RF, and XGBoost.
The sentiment analysis methodology involves pre-
processing the Twitter dataset through noise removal and
tokenisation, followed by feature extraction using methods
like Bag-of-Words and Word2Vec. Results show that
XLNet is superior to the conventional models; It has 99%
precision, recall, and F1-score values and an accuracy rate
of 99.54%. In comparison, KNN achieves 78% accuracy,
85% precision, 88% recall, and 86% F1 score, while RF
and XGBoost exhibit lower performance with accuracy
rates of 69% and 60%, respectively. The performance
comparison highlights the superior capabilities of XLNet
for sentiment classification tasks, indicating its potential
for enhancing text classification applications. Research in
the future can look at ways to improve XLNet's
performance on bigger and more complicated datasets by
combining it with more sophisticated deep learning
methods like attention mechanisms and transfer learning.
Keywords :
Sentiment Analysis, LLM, Twitter Dataset, Natural Language Processing, Text Classification, Social Media Analytics.