Clinical Study of ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infraction in Metabolic Syndrome Patients

Authors : Dr. Rohan R Kulkarni, Dr. Dilip patil.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

Abstract :  Aims and Objectives To study parameters of Metabolic Syndrome and their co-relation with STEMI and Clinical study of STEMI patients in Metabolic syndrome.  Methods and Results Among the 80 patients STEMI in MS Prevalence of MS was higher in male 62.5% than female 37.5%, smoking risk factor associated with STEMI in patients 70%, presence of 4 components(50%) of metabolic syndrome is maximum in patients, AWMI was the most common with the incidence of 37.5%, total 16.25% patients deceased during the course of management,, Mean value of SBP in males was 139.84 mm hg, while in females it was 134.40 mm hg, Mean value of DBP in males was 87.96 mm hg, while in females it was 84.06 mm hg, Mean value of WC in males was 94.02 cm, while in females it was 96.86 cm, Mean value of HDL in males was 40.26 mg/dl, while in females it was 47.53 mg/dl, Mean value of TG in males was 149.54 mg/dl, while in females it was 148.80 mg/dl, Mean value of FBS in males was 116.88mg/dl, while in females it was 116.63 mg/dl.  Conclusion The prevalence of FBS is 83.8%. TG is 56.3%, hypertension is 67.5 %, WC (males and females 80%), HDL (female 73.33%), HDL (males 76%), severity of STEMI in MS increases with increase in number of components involved in metabolic syndrome.

Keywords :  STEMI – ST Segment Myocardial Infraction  AWMI – Anterior wall Myocardial Infraction  IWMI – Inferior wall Myocardial Infraction  LVEF – Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction  FBS – Fasting blood sugar  MS – Metabolic Syndrome  WC – Waist circumference  TC – Total cholesterol  TG – Triglyceride

 Aims and Objectives To study parameters of Metabolic Syndrome and their co-relation with STEMI and Clinical study of STEMI patients in Metabolic syndrome.  Methods and Results Among the 80 patients STEMI in MS Prevalence of MS was higher in male 62.5% than female 37.5%, smoking risk factor associated with STEMI in patients 70%, presence of 4 components(50%) of metabolic syndrome is maximum in patients, AWMI was the most common with the incidence of 37.5%, total 16.25% patients deceased during the course of management,, Mean value of SBP in males was 139.84 mm hg, while in females it was 134.40 mm hg, Mean value of DBP in males was 87.96 mm hg, while in females it was 84.06 mm hg, Mean value of WC in males was 94.02 cm, while in females it was 96.86 cm, Mean value of HDL in males was 40.26 mg/dl, while in females it was 47.53 mg/dl, Mean value of TG in males was 149.54 mg/dl, while in females it was 148.80 mg/dl, Mean value of FBS in males was 116.88mg/dl, while in females it was 116.63 mg/dl.  Conclusion The prevalence of FBS is 83.8%. TG is 56.3%, hypertension is 67.5 %, WC (males and females 80%), HDL (female 73.33%), HDL (males 76%), severity of STEMI in MS increases with increase in number of components involved in metabolic syndrome.

Keywords :  STEMI – ST Segment Myocardial Infraction  AWMI – Anterior wall Myocardial Infraction  IWMI – Inferior wall Myocardial Infraction  LVEF – Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction  FBS – Fasting blood sugar  MS – Metabolic Syndrome  WC – Waist circumference  TC – Total cholesterol  TG – Triglyceride

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