Authors :
Yisry Ary; James ED Rilatupa; Aryantono Martowardjojo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Thermal comfort has an important role on
student psychology because a comfortable environmental
situation can improve psychological well-being and affect
the creation of conducive and effective learning
conditions. This study examines the thermal comfort of
classrooms in SMA Negeri 1 Obaa, Mappi Regency,
South Papua, and its impact on student psychology. The
results showed that the thermal condition of the
classroom reached a temperature of 32.4°C and humidity
up to 86%, indicating discomfort for students, with an
average PMV value of 2.35 (hot category) and PPD of
90%. Using descriptive quantitative methods, data was
collected through measurements of air temperature,
humidity, wind speed, as well as questionnaires on
thermal comfort and student psychology. Results showed
that 85% of students felt that thermal conditions had a
significant effect on their psychology, affecting focus,
concentration, stress, and emotional well-being. This
study fills a gap in the literature by highlighting the
importance of thermal comfort in hot climates, as well as
providing empirical evidence on the psychological impact
of thermal conditions in classrooms that has been
Keywords :
Thermal Comfort; Student Psychology.
References :
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Thermal comfort has an important role on
student psychology because a comfortable environmental
situation can improve psychological well-being and affect
the creation of conducive and effective learning
conditions. This study examines the thermal comfort of
classrooms in SMA Negeri 1 Obaa, Mappi Regency,
South Papua, and its impact on student psychology. The
results showed that the thermal condition of the
classroom reached a temperature of 32.4°C and humidity
up to 86%, indicating discomfort for students, with an
average PMV value of 2.35 (hot category) and PPD of
90%. Using descriptive quantitative methods, data was
collected through measurements of air temperature,
humidity, wind speed, as well as questionnaires on
thermal comfort and student psychology. Results showed
that 85% of students felt that thermal conditions had a
significant effect on their psychology, affecting focus,
concentration, stress, and emotional well-being. This
study fills a gap in the literature by highlighting the
importance of thermal comfort in hot climates, as well as
providing empirical evidence on the psychological impact
of thermal conditions in classrooms that has been
Keywords :
Thermal Comfort; Student Psychology.