Challenges Facing by the Hospitality in India

Authors : A. Satyanarayana Teja; Kalyan Sarkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : The main aim of the research paper is to focus on the key challenges and the upcoming future trends of the hospitality industry. This study gives us the idea of the Indian hotel industry characteristics and discusses the future expectation; challenges need to be handled in an emerging global context and what will be the impact on human resource development and management. Due to the changes this paper discusses the trends that will dominate the market and suggestions to overcome the challenges which profit the industry.

Keywords : New Trends, Hospitality Industry, Challenges.

The main aim of the research paper is to focus on the key challenges and the upcoming future trends of the hospitality industry. This study gives us the idea of the Indian hotel industry characteristics and discusses the future expectation; challenges need to be handled in an emerging global context and what will be the impact on human resource development and management. Due to the changes this paper discusses the trends that will dominate the market and suggestions to overcome the challenges which profit the industry.

Keywords : New Trends, Hospitality Industry, Challenges.

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