Case Study of Damaged Road Surfaces as a Result of Drainage on Sabar Jaya Road Kelurahan Mariana ILIR

Authors : Surnata; Bambang Setiawan; Purboyo; Yuni Karlina

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG363

Abstract : Banyuasin Regency in addition to having a strategic geographical location that is located in the inter-provincial route also has abundant natural resources. Geographical Location Banyuasin Regency is located in a position between 1.30 ° - 4.0 ° South Latitude and 104 ° 00 '- 105 ° 35' East Longitude that starts from the central part of the Province of South Sumatra to the East. Banyuasin Regency has an area of 12,431 km² and is divided into 19 districts, one of which is Banyuasin I. The Jalan Pati jaya is Jalan Kecamatan, which is located in the Sub-district of Mariana ilir, Subdistrict of Banyuasin I. This road only connects the Mariana sub-district to the village of Prajin. the current condition of the road has been intersected with the proboscis river where the condition of the road has been damaged due to inundation of rain water, in addition to the inundation of the soil the quality is still unstable and the road surface is also thin. And dranase channels are currently in a mapet state. On the subject matter above the author only examines and analyzes three elements, among others. The aspect of Hydrology is the science relating to water on earth, both regarding its occurrence, circulation and distribution, its properties and its relationship with the environment, especially with living things. The large number of parameters makes hydrological analysis difficult to solve analytically. Besides that hydrological conditions depend on changes / activities carried out by humans such as changes in land use. (Triatmodjo, 2008 h 1)

Keywords : Road Surface; Hydrological Analysis

Banyuasin Regency in addition to having a strategic geographical location that is located in the inter-provincial route also has abundant natural resources. Geographical Location Banyuasin Regency is located in a position between 1.30 ° - 4.0 ° South Latitude and 104 ° 00 '- 105 ° 35' East Longitude that starts from the central part of the Province of South Sumatra to the East. Banyuasin Regency has an area of 12,431 km² and is divided into 19 districts, one of which is Banyuasin I. The Jalan Pati jaya is Jalan Kecamatan, which is located in the Sub-district of Mariana ilir, Subdistrict of Banyuasin I. This road only connects the Mariana sub-district to the village of Prajin. the current condition of the road has been intersected with the proboscis river where the condition of the road has been damaged due to inundation of rain water, in addition to the inundation of the soil the quality is still unstable and the road surface is also thin. And dranase channels are currently in a mapet state. On the subject matter above the author only examines and analyzes three elements, among others. The aspect of Hydrology is the science relating to water on earth, both regarding its occurrence, circulation and distribution, its properties and its relationship with the environment, especially with living things. The large number of parameters makes hydrological analysis difficult to solve analytically. Besides that hydrological conditions depend on changes / activities carried out by humans such as changes in land use. (Triatmodjo, 2008 h 1)

Keywords : Road Surface; Hydrological Analysis

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