Capital, Bank Size, Credit Risk and Bank Performance

Authors : Andi Ruslan, Cepi Pahlevi, Syamsu Alam, Mursalim Nohong, Lasty Agustuty D.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of capital, bank size on credit risk and bank performance. The sample using the bank that publishes financial statements in full during the years 2010-2017 and falls into the category of Group of Business Activities (BUKU) 3 and 4 related to business activities and office networks based on the core capital of banks in Indonesia. Data analysis techniques in this study are path analysis. The results show that capital does not have a significant effect on credit risk, Bank size is proven to have a positive and significant influence on credit risk. Capital, bank size proved to have a positive and significant influence on bank performance. Credit risk is proven to have a negative and significant influence on bank performance. Capital has proven to have an indirect positive influence on bank performance through credit risk. while bank size does not have an indirect influence on bank performance that is significant through credit risk.

Keywords : Capital, Size Banks, Credit Risk, Bank Performance.

The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of capital, bank size on credit risk and bank performance. The sample using the bank that publishes financial statements in full during the years 2010-2017 and falls into the category of Group of Business Activities (BUKU) 3 and 4 related to business activities and office networks based on the core capital of banks in Indonesia. Data analysis techniques in this study are path analysis. The results show that capital does not have a significant effect on credit risk, Bank size is proven to have a positive and significant influence on credit risk. Capital, bank size proved to have a positive and significant influence on bank performance. Credit risk is proven to have a negative and significant influence on bank performance. Capital has proven to have an indirect positive influence on bank performance through credit risk. while bank size does not have an indirect influence on bank performance that is significant through credit risk.

Keywords : Capital, Size Banks, Credit Risk, Bank Performance.

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