Brand Switching Analysis using Data Analytics to Derive Consumer Behaviour

Authors : Ayush Tripathi, Zatin Gupta

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : In this paper, we present Brand Switching Analysis using Data Analytics to derive various patterns of consumers’ actions within a retail store. The paper demonstrates multiple steps involved in conducting this analysis – Data Cleansing, Data Visualization, Data Segregation, and Data Representation, using various technologies. The patterns and the inferences established from the research can be harnessed by the brands and retail stores for outlining their marketing strategy and targeting their potential customers.

Keywords : Data Cleaning; Data Cleansing; Data Visualization; Data Segregation; Data Mining; Brand Switching; Data Analysis; Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Strategy; Sales.

In this paper, we present Brand Switching Analysis using Data Analytics to derive various patterns of consumers’ actions within a retail store. The paper demonstrates multiple steps involved in conducting this analysis – Data Cleansing, Data Visualization, Data Segregation, and Data Representation, using various technologies. The patterns and the inferences established from the research can be harnessed by the brands and retail stores for outlining their marketing strategy and targeting their potential customers.

Keywords : Data Cleaning; Data Cleansing; Data Visualization; Data Segregation; Data Mining; Brand Switching; Data Analysis; Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Strategy; Sales.

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