Authors :
N. Abirami , K.S.Dharsana, R.Asvin Ragav,K.Saranya,
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
Braille literacy is crucial for blind individuals, as it enables life-long learning and is key to employment and independency. One way to promote Braille literacy is to make existing Braille reading devices more accessible, affordable, and user friendly. Commercially available Braille reading devices in this regard need various improvements. Most of these devices cost thousands of dollars, mainly because they rely on multiple piezoelectric actuators in order to create the Braille letters. Other issues include high voltage\ actuation and reduced portability. In order to solve these issues and improve existing Braille displays, various actuation methods have been widely investigated. This project helps in simplifying the process of learning of braille instructions. The integration of physical activity and hearing can facilitate easy learning of Braille Script. In this project we develop a kit which helps the blind and visually impaired people to learn braille even in the absence of teachers.
Keywords :
Braille, solenoid actuator, Raspberry pi, Learning aid Teacher independent.
Braille literacy is crucial for blind individuals, as it enables life-long learning and is key to employment and independency. One way to promote Braille literacy is to make existing Braille reading devices more accessible, affordable, and user friendly. Commercially available Braille reading devices in this regard need various improvements. Most of these devices cost thousands of dollars, mainly because they rely on multiple piezoelectric actuators in order to create the Braille letters. Other issues include high voltage\ actuation and reduced portability. In order to solve these issues and improve existing Braille displays, various actuation methods have been widely investigated. This project helps in simplifying the process of learning of braille instructions. The integration of physical activity and hearing can facilitate easy learning of Braille Script. In this project we develop a kit which helps the blind and visually impaired people to learn braille even in the absence of teachers.
Keywords :
Braille, solenoid actuator, Raspberry pi, Learning aid Teacher independent.