Automatic Summarization of Document using Machine Learning

Authors : Vaishnav Bhardwaj; Shwetansh Sharma; Ajay Katiyan

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : Internet domain is flooded with text information/ documents and it is difficult to get what kind of information exactly we are looking. To get the information we are looking for is head tic job as to find right or wrong we have go through whole information or text. This system Automatic text summarization summarizes the whole text or paragraph and give result in form of natural language using machine learning. This paper aim to present a process of summarization by using Machine Learning algorithms based on extraction of text based on their features the data to be summaries. There are two types of features the algorithms looks for one the frequency of element in the text and second is the linguistic extracted structure of the text. We also give some computational results achieved by applying our summarizer to certain dataset, which is compare to some baseline summary processes.

Internet domain is flooded with text information/ documents and it is difficult to get what kind of information exactly we are looking. To get the information we are looking for is head tic job as to find right or wrong we have go through whole information or text. This system Automatic text summarization summarizes the whole text or paragraph and give result in form of natural language using machine learning. This paper aim to present a process of summarization by using Machine Learning algorithms based on extraction of text based on their features the data to be summaries. There are two types of features the algorithms looks for one the frequency of element in the text and second is the linguistic extracted structure of the text. We also give some computational results achieved by applying our summarizer to certain dataset, which is compare to some baseline summary processes.

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