Automatic Mysore Bonda Making Machine using Solar Energy

Authors : Pasumarti Giridhar.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Automatic compact table-top mysore bonda making appliance for use at lunch counters, in- store bakery counters, small bakeries and also as confectionery equipment. Freshly cooked mysore bondas are made in moderately large volume. This device is particularly adaptable for varying volume requirements, being adjustable to produce from about 5 -100 dozen mysore bondas per hour. It includes a general rectangular compact tank for holding the cooking fat or oil which is heated by automatic controlled means, by solar energy. A removable insert in the tank defines a circuitous path along which the mysore bondas flow in the course of being cooked. A removable dough extruding unit is mounted over one end of the tank to form and drop the rings of raw dough into the oil. The dough is moved along the surface of the cooking oil by a propulsion pump inducing a circulating flow of oil as the mysore bondas are first cooked on one side, then turned over automatically and cooked on the other side thereby being discharged from the machine. The machine can be readily disassembled for easy cleaning and no electricity is used in this appliance.

Keywords : Solar Energy, Automatic, Higheffiency.

Automatic compact table-top mysore bonda making appliance for use at lunch counters, in- store bakery counters, small bakeries and also as confectionery equipment. Freshly cooked mysore bondas are made in moderately large volume. This device is particularly adaptable for varying volume requirements, being adjustable to produce from about 5 -100 dozen mysore bondas per hour. It includes a general rectangular compact tank for holding the cooking fat or oil which is heated by automatic controlled means, by solar energy. A removable insert in the tank defines a circuitous path along which the mysore bondas flow in the course of being cooked. A removable dough extruding unit is mounted over one end of the tank to form and drop the rings of raw dough into the oil. The dough is moved along the surface of the cooking oil by a propulsion pump inducing a circulating flow of oil as the mysore bondas are first cooked on one side, then turned over automatically and cooked on the other side thereby being discharged from the machine. The machine can be readily disassembled for easy cleaning and no electricity is used in this appliance.

Keywords : Solar Energy, Automatic, Higheffiency.

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