Association Between Awareness of Side Effects and Motivation for Vaccination of Pentavalent Vaccine in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Authors : Pavan Kumar S; Joy D Souza

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Vaccination is one of the best disease prevention strategies and an important part of the family and public health. Vaccines prevent significant morbidity and mortality in under five children. Even though vaccination is a disease prevention strategy, it has minor side effects. It is essential to be aware of various side effects because they cause a lot of parental anxiety. The present study shows that those who vaccinate their baby by informed choice are aware of the side effects of vaccination. It shows the positive association. Objective: To findout the association between awareness of side effects and motivation for vaccination of pentavalent vaccine. Methods : The study consists of 96 babies who attend pediatric out patient department for routine immunization of pentavalent vaccination between February 2021 and August 2022 at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore. The data was collected by preformed questionnaire. Results: Out of 96 participants , 58 (60.4%) of the participants were aware of side effects and 38 (39.6%) of the participants were not aware of side effects. 63 (65.6%) of the participants vaccinated their child on informed Choice and 33 (34.4%) of the participants mechanically followed Instruction. The present study shows that 74.6% of the participants who vaccinated their children on informed choice were aware of side effects. 25.4% of the participants who vaccinated their children on informed choice were unaware of side effects. 33.3% of the participants who followed instructions were aware of side effects. 66.7% of the participants who followed instructions were unaware of side effects. Parents should be educated regarding vaccination and side effects of vaccination .

Keywords : Vaccination, Adverse Effects, Awareness

Vaccination is one of the best disease prevention strategies and an important part of the family and public health. Vaccines prevent significant morbidity and mortality in under five children. Even though vaccination is a disease prevention strategy, it has minor side effects. It is essential to be aware of various side effects because they cause a lot of parental anxiety. The present study shows that those who vaccinate their baby by informed choice are aware of the side effects of vaccination. It shows the positive association. Objective: To findout the association between awareness of side effects and motivation for vaccination of pentavalent vaccine. Methods : The study consists of 96 babies who attend pediatric out patient department for routine immunization of pentavalent vaccination between February 2021 and August 2022 at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore. The data was collected by preformed questionnaire. Results: Out of 96 participants , 58 (60.4%) of the participants were aware of side effects and 38 (39.6%) of the participants were not aware of side effects. 63 (65.6%) of the participants vaccinated their child on informed Choice and 33 (34.4%) of the participants mechanically followed Instruction. The present study shows that 74.6% of the participants who vaccinated their children on informed choice were aware of side effects. 25.4% of the participants who vaccinated their children on informed choice were unaware of side effects. 33.3% of the participants who followed instructions were aware of side effects. 66.7% of the participants who followed instructions were unaware of side effects. Parents should be educated regarding vaccination and side effects of vaccination .

Keywords : Vaccination, Adverse Effects, Awareness

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