Assessment of the Refuse Collection Charges in Covering Waste Management Cost: The Case of ILALA Municipality -Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Authors : TP. Dr. Hussein M. Omar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL773

Abstract : The world urban population is expected to increase by 72 per cent by 2050, to reach nearly 6 billion in 2050 from 3 billion in 2011 (UN, 2012, Hussein 2019). By mid-century the world urban population will likely be the same size as the world’s total population was in 2002 (UN, 2011, and Hussein, 2018). Although the global average in 2014 reached 54 per cent, the percentages are already around 80% in the Americas, and over 70% in Europe and Oceania, but only 48% in Asia and 40% in Africa (UN, 2014, Hussein, 2019).

The world urban population is expected to increase by 72 per cent by 2050, to reach nearly 6 billion in 2050 from 3 billion in 2011 (UN, 2012, Hussein 2019). By mid-century the world urban population will likely be the same size as the world’s total population was in 2002 (UN, 2011, and Hussein, 2018). Although the global average in 2014 reached 54 per cent, the percentages are already around 80% in the Americas, and over 70% in Europe and Oceania, but only 48% in Asia and 40% in Africa (UN, 2014, Hussein, 2019).

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