Assessment of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Models and Their Compatibility in Bridging Infrastructure Gap in the Nigerian Tertiary Education System

Authors : Aminu Muhammad

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The Nigerian tertiary education system consisting the Universities, Polytechnics, Mono-technics and Colleges of Education have persistently faced myriad developmental challenges, with infrastructure deficit as a focal or cardinal point of reference, leading to series of industrial actions that consistently hampered their smooth operations and efficient service delivery. Several interventions from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Petroleum Training and Development Fund (PTDF) and other governmental institutions have been unable to solve the problems; as such, Public Private Partnership (PPP), a contract arrangement between private and government parties, sharing responsibilities, resources, risks and rewards has been identified as a viable alternative and effective solution to infrastructure gap in the Nigerian tertiary education system. Upon this conviction, the research investigated and assessed possible PPP Models and their compatibility to different situations and peculiarities of the various tertiary education institutions. The research used only secondary data. So data from the Tertiary Education NEEDS assessment, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), World Bank Documents on PPP, Documents from United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and Pacific (UNESCAP) and Researches on PPP from both internet and printed Journals were utilized. It was discovered that PPPs if adapted to the education system in Nigeria can help to bridge the gaps in infrastructure finance, facilitate and expand equitable access, improve quality of service delivery (quality education) and revitalize all fabrics of educational supports in the system. Although most PPP Models can fit into the Nigerian Tertiary Education Institutions systems, however, the Built Operate Transfer (BOT) Model of Concession and contract and as such the peculiarities of the institutions determine the best possible PPP Option. It is therefore recommended that staff training on PPP be supported; PPP Units created; PPP funds be created by the Ministry of Finance and budget code be created to accommodate Viability Gap Fund (VGF) for easy execution of the PPP projects.

Keywords : Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model, Tertiary Education Institutions, Infrastructure, Viability Gap Fund, New Public Management (NPM).

The Nigerian tertiary education system consisting the Universities, Polytechnics, Mono-technics and Colleges of Education have persistently faced myriad developmental challenges, with infrastructure deficit as a focal or cardinal point of reference, leading to series of industrial actions that consistently hampered their smooth operations and efficient service delivery. Several interventions from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Petroleum Training and Development Fund (PTDF) and other governmental institutions have been unable to solve the problems; as such, Public Private Partnership (PPP), a contract arrangement between private and government parties, sharing responsibilities, resources, risks and rewards has been identified as a viable alternative and effective solution to infrastructure gap in the Nigerian tertiary education system. Upon this conviction, the research investigated and assessed possible PPP Models and their compatibility to different situations and peculiarities of the various tertiary education institutions. The research used only secondary data. So data from the Tertiary Education NEEDS assessment, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), World Bank Documents on PPP, Documents from United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and Pacific (UNESCAP) and Researches on PPP from both internet and printed Journals were utilized. It was discovered that PPPs if adapted to the education system in Nigeria can help to bridge the gaps in infrastructure finance, facilitate and expand equitable access, improve quality of service delivery (quality education) and revitalize all fabrics of educational supports in the system. Although most PPP Models can fit into the Nigerian Tertiary Education Institutions systems, however, the Built Operate Transfer (BOT) Model of Concession and contract and as such the peculiarities of the institutions determine the best possible PPP Option. It is therefore recommended that staff training on PPP be supported; PPP Units created; PPP funds be created by the Ministry of Finance and budget code be created to accommodate Viability Gap Fund (VGF) for easy execution of the PPP projects.

Keywords : Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model, Tertiary Education Institutions, Infrastructure, Viability Gap Fund, New Public Management (NPM).

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