Assessment of Job Performance of Female Quantity Surveyors in Professional Practices in Contracting and Consulting Firms in Lagos State, Nigeria

Authors : Adepeju Nafisat Aransi

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Female face adverse situations in the construction industry at large and the participation of female in QS profession has improved although not proportionate to that of male, the adverse situation faced by female QS have a bearing effect on the level of their job performance. This study assessed the performance of female Quantity Surveyors in professional services and factors influencing their performance in Lagos state, Nigeria. Research data were collected through well- structured open ended questionnaires from Quantity Surveyors in consulting and contracting firms in Lagos state, Nigeria, quantitative method was adopted in the study, purposive sampling method was used in selecting firms in Lagos state, due to the relatively small population size of selected firms.Focus of the study was on firms in selected local government areas in Lagos state, which are accessible and more narrowly defined and manageable. This study establishes that there is an existing relationship between results and researches done in the past on challenges faced by females in Quantity Surveying profession and Construction industry at large, it also established that female Quantity Surveyors are small in proportionate to male in the profession and they participate and perform above average in professional services.This paper concludes that the factors affecting the performance of female Quantity surveyors are numerous. It concludes that the major factor affecting the performance of female QSs in professional services in consulting firm was job restriction practices and factor affecting the performance of female QSs in professional services in contracting firm was limited promotion Opportunity.

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Female face adverse situations in the construction industry at large and the participation of female in QS profession has improved although not proportionate to that of male, the adverse situation faced by female QS have a bearing effect on the level of their job performance. This study assessed the performance of female Quantity Surveyors in professional services and factors influencing their performance in Lagos state, Nigeria. Research data were collected through well- structured open ended questionnaires from Quantity Surveyors in consulting and contracting firms in Lagos state, Nigeria, quantitative method was adopted in the study, purposive sampling method was used in selecting firms in Lagos state, due to the relatively small population size of selected firms.Focus of the study was on firms in selected local government areas in Lagos state, which are accessible and more narrowly defined and manageable. This study establishes that there is an existing relationship between results and researches done in the past on challenges faced by females in Quantity Surveying profession and Construction industry at large, it also established that female Quantity Surveyors are small in proportionate to male in the profession and they participate and perform above average in professional services.This paper concludes that the factors affecting the performance of female Quantity surveyors are numerous. It concludes that the major factor affecting the performance of female QSs in professional services in consulting firm was job restriction practices and factor affecting the performance of female QSs in professional services in contracting firm was limited promotion Opportunity.

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