Assessment of Impact of Crop Cultivation Practices on Environment in Mysuru District of Karnataka

Authors : Shanpaga Priya

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 11 - November

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Abstract : Mysuru district of Karnataka is known for the cultivation of major food crops as well as commercial crops on a large scale. The impact assessment study was conducted on the cultivation practices of crops like maize (food crop), cotton, tobacco (commercial crop) and ginger (spice crop) grown in Mysore district by majority of the farmers. Parameters like fertilizer consumption, nutrient uptake, pesticide usage, water consumption and energy requirement were studied for the above mentioned crops. The methodology adopted for the study was about validating and quantifyingthe data collected based on the farmer survey with standard review articles and then arriving at the conclusions. The study revealed that Fertilizer consumption by cotton (155:90:145 kg/ha), maize (195:75:110 kg/h) and ginger (134:110:115 kg/ha) are on a higher side as compared to standard recommendations and in the case of tobacco (65:35:116 kg/ha), the applied dosage of fertilizers is almost on par with the standard fertilizer recommendations. Lowest value for tobacco is due to the Integrated Nutrient Management practices and soil health improvement interventions adopted by the tobacco farmers. Nutrient uptake was the highest in maize (166.1:89.9:65.7 kg/ha) and the lowest in tobacco (16.6:19.3:21.9 kg/ha). Tobacco can generally be grown in soils with low inherent fertility. The pest and disease incidence was the highest in cotton (7 pests and 9 diseases) and the lowest in tobacco (1 pest and 3 diseases) for Mysuru region. The pesticide consumption expressed as kilogram active ingredient per hectare (kg ai/ha) was the highest for ginger(1.43 kg ai/ha) and the lowest for tobacco (0.446 kg ai/ha). Tobacco as a crop generally requires less pesticide usage and in addition the services rendered by the Tobacco board, industry and CTRI in serving the growers through supply of various inputs like bio pesticides and ensuring recommended chemical usageadds on to lower pesticide consumption in tobacco. With respect to energy consumption, there was no significant difference in the total quantity of diesel consumed for carrying out various operations like land levelling and inter cultivation in all the crops.

Mysuru district of Karnataka is known for the cultivation of major food crops as well as commercial crops on a large scale. The impact assessment study was conducted on the cultivation practices of crops like maize (food crop), cotton, tobacco (commercial crop) and ginger (spice crop) grown in Mysore district by majority of the farmers. Parameters like fertilizer consumption, nutrient uptake, pesticide usage, water consumption and energy requirement were studied for the above mentioned crops. The methodology adopted for the study was about validating and quantifyingthe data collected based on the farmer survey with standard review articles and then arriving at the conclusions. The study revealed that Fertilizer consumption by cotton (155:90:145 kg/ha), maize (195:75:110 kg/h) and ginger (134:110:115 kg/ha) are on a higher side as compared to standard recommendations and in the case of tobacco (65:35:116 kg/ha), the applied dosage of fertilizers is almost on par with the standard fertilizer recommendations. Lowest value for tobacco is due to the Integrated Nutrient Management practices and soil health improvement interventions adopted by the tobacco farmers. Nutrient uptake was the highest in maize (166.1:89.9:65.7 kg/ha) and the lowest in tobacco (16.6:19.3:21.9 kg/ha). Tobacco can generally be grown in soils with low inherent fertility. The pest and disease incidence was the highest in cotton (7 pests and 9 diseases) and the lowest in tobacco (1 pest and 3 diseases) for Mysuru region. The pesticide consumption expressed as kilogram active ingredient per hectare (kg ai/ha) was the highest for ginger(1.43 kg ai/ha) and the lowest for tobacco (0.446 kg ai/ha). Tobacco as a crop generally requires less pesticide usage and in addition the services rendered by the Tobacco board, industry and CTRI in serving the growers through supply of various inputs like bio pesticides and ensuring recommended chemical usageadds on to lower pesticide consumption in tobacco. With respect to energy consumption, there was no significant difference in the total quantity of diesel consumed for carrying out various operations like land levelling and inter cultivation in all the crops.

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