Assessment of Go-Jek Transfortation Services in Indonesia Through Gap Service Quality and Impact on Consumer Loyalty

Authors : Eko Wijaya; Dayal Gustopo Setiadjit; Nelly Budiharti

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG078

Abstract : Along with the development of transportation era, it becomes a very important need in running the wheels of the people's economy , with the increase in online-based technology , competition in the field of online transportation can not be avoided. To be able to compete with other online transportation companies by improving the quality of services provided to consumers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of service of PT. Go-Jek Indonesia for consumers. Based on the results of this study using the Service Quality method (seen from Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assuransc, Emphaty ) by distributing questionnaires using Google forms to 400 respondents throughout the service area of PT. Go-Jek Indonesia. The results of the service quality / gap calculation for each statement dimension are all of negative values, indicating that the services provided by PT. Go-Jek Indonesia cannot be said of quality or service quality does not meet the expectations of Go-Jek customers. This condition shows that there is still a need to improve the quality of services provided by PT. GoJek Indonesia in order to achieve the ideal service quality to remain competitive with other competitors.

Keywords : Online Transparency , Service Quality, Service Quality.

Along with the development of transportation era, it becomes a very important need in running the wheels of the people's economy , with the increase in online-based technology , competition in the field of online transportation can not be avoided. To be able to compete with other online transportation companies by improving the quality of services provided to consumers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of service of PT. Go-Jek Indonesia for consumers. Based on the results of this study using the Service Quality method (seen from Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assuransc, Emphaty ) by distributing questionnaires using Google forms to 400 respondents throughout the service area of PT. Go-Jek Indonesia. The results of the service quality / gap calculation for each statement dimension are all of negative values, indicating that the services provided by PT. Go-Jek Indonesia cannot be said of quality or service quality does not meet the expectations of Go-Jek customers. This condition shows that there is still a need to improve the quality of services provided by PT. GoJek Indonesia in order to achieve the ideal service quality to remain competitive with other competitors.

Keywords : Online Transparency , Service Quality, Service Quality.

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