Authors :
Vetri.A, Dr. Kalaiselvi.K1, Balakrishnan.D, Elamathi.S.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
The study was undertaken to investigate the quality of food products such as Spices like Turmeric, Chilly, Pepper, Cardamom, Cumin, and Coriander& Cloves in respect to the heavy metalcontaminants. The spices samples (whole & powder samples) were collected from Coimbatore in tamilnaduand heavy metals (Copper as Cu, Lead asPb, Arsenic as As, Cadmium as Cd & Mercury as Hg)were analyzedusing of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.Thepresence of Heavy Metalsvariesat different matrix. The mean concentration of food samplesHeavy Metals are found tobe below the permissible limit as per Food Safety Standard Authority of India.
The study was undertaken to investigate the quality of food products such as Spices like Turmeric, Chilly, Pepper, Cardamom, Cumin, and Coriander& Cloves in respect to the heavy metalcontaminants. The spices samples (whole & powder samples) were collected from Coimbatore in tamilnaduand heavy metals (Copper as Cu, Lead asPb, Arsenic as As, Cadmium as Cd & Mercury as Hg)were analyzedusing of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.Thepresence of Heavy Metalsvariesat different matrix. The mean concentration of food samplesHeavy Metals are found tobe below the permissible limit as per Food Safety Standard Authority of India.