Assessment of Effects of Port Tariffs on Dar Es Salaam Port Cargo Traffic

Authors : Japhet M Mushumbusi; Joseph Martin Mkumbo; Dr. Wilfred Kileo Johnson

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of port tariffs on Dar es Salaam cargo traffic. Specifically, the study aimed to assess the current situation for cargo traffic at Dar es Salaam port, to assess the effect of port tariffs to importers and exporters of cargo, and to find out possible measure to mitigate the port tariffs challenges facing Dar es Salaam port. This study used descriptive layout to study, describe and record aspects of scenario as they arise in a given populace. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam port, Shipping Company and Clearing and Forwarding agents of Dar es Salaam. The study employed the following respondents like Port officer, Importer, Exporter, Ship agents, clearing and Forwarding agents. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews and observations. Secondary data were also collected from various documentary sources, such as Annual Reports of TPA for five year back from 2016- 2020 but the primary data use to support secondary data. The research finding show that in assess the current situation for cargo traffic at Dar es Salaam port there is fluctuation of amount of cargo import and transshipment but cargo export increase for every year, in assess the effect of port tariffs to importers and exporter the number of ships call to Dar es Salaam port fluctuate. Also the possible measure to mitigate the port tariffs challenges facing Dar es Salaam port, the customer need port tariffs to be reviewed. Dar es Salaam port is the starting and ending point for maritime transport which links six surrounding land-locked countries. These countries depend on the port of Dar es Salaam for facilitating the passage of their exports and the importation of goods. The study recommends reviewing the port tariffs for at least for every two years for purposes of getting more customers which lead to increase government revenue and make Dar es Salaam port to be strong in competition of shipping business with other neighboring port.

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The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of port tariffs on Dar es Salaam cargo traffic. Specifically, the study aimed to assess the current situation for cargo traffic at Dar es Salaam port, to assess the effect of port tariffs to importers and exporters of cargo, and to find out possible measure to mitigate the port tariffs challenges facing Dar es Salaam port. This study used descriptive layout to study, describe and record aspects of scenario as they arise in a given populace. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam port, Shipping Company and Clearing and Forwarding agents of Dar es Salaam. The study employed the following respondents like Port officer, Importer, Exporter, Ship agents, clearing and Forwarding agents. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews and observations. Secondary data were also collected from various documentary sources, such as Annual Reports of TPA for five year back from 2016- 2020 but the primary data use to support secondary data. The research finding show that in assess the current situation for cargo traffic at Dar es Salaam port there is fluctuation of amount of cargo import and transshipment but cargo export increase for every year, in assess the effect of port tariffs to importers and exporter the number of ships call to Dar es Salaam port fluctuate. Also the possible measure to mitigate the port tariffs challenges facing Dar es Salaam port, the customer need port tariffs to be reviewed. Dar es Salaam port is the starting and ending point for maritime transport which links six surrounding land-locked countries. These countries depend on the port of Dar es Salaam for facilitating the passage of their exports and the importation of goods. The study recommends reviewing the port tariffs for at least for every two years for purposes of getting more customers which lead to increase government revenue and make Dar es Salaam port to be strong in competition of shipping business with other neighboring port.

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