Authors :
Augustine Mukumba; Melford Mutandavari
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
This study focuses on the assessment of a deep
learning model for the detection and diagnostics of
poultry diseases. The model utilizes a convolutional
neural network architecture to automatically analyze
images of diseased poultry and accurately classify the
type of disease present. The performance of the model is
evaluated by comparing its predictions with expert-
annotated data. The results show that the deep learning
model achieves high accuracy in detecting common
poultry diseases, outperforming traditional methods. This
novel approach has the potential to revolutionize the field
of poultry healthcare by providing fast and accurate
diagnostics, leading to improved disease management and
welfare for poultry populations.
Keywords :
Convolutional Neural Networks, Poultry Disease, Deep Learning, Detection, Diagnostics and Classification.
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This study focuses on the assessment of a deep
learning model for the detection and diagnostics of
poultry diseases. The model utilizes a convolutional
neural network architecture to automatically analyze
images of diseased poultry and accurately classify the
type of disease present. The performance of the model is
evaluated by comparing its predictions with expert-
annotated data. The results show that the deep learning
model achieves high accuracy in detecting common
poultry diseases, outperforming traditional methods. This
novel approach has the potential to revolutionize the field
of poultry healthcare by providing fast and accurate
diagnostics, leading to improved disease management and
welfare for poultry populations.
Keywords :
Convolutional Neural Networks, Poultry Disease, Deep Learning, Detection, Diagnostics and Classification.