Application of "Puerperal Healthy" of Optimization of Postpartum Mother Knowledges that Given Effleurage Relaxation Massage

Authors : Herlina; Diyah Fatmasari; Rr Sri Endang Pujiastuti; Runjati

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The postpartum period is a critical period for both mother and baby. Every mother must have understanding, ability and access to health services. The application of education uses the application of "Puerperal Healthy" and Effleurage Relaxation Massage as a support system in an effort to improve the quality of maternal and child health services. Experimental research with a pre and posttest with control group design approach. Probability sampling techniques with cluster random sampling and simple random sampling numbered 62 postpartum mothers. Data analysis used paired t-test and mann whitney test. The knowledge of the respondents in the intervention group increased by 7.10 and the control group 4.61, the results of the statistical test were significant with p = 0,000. The application of the "Puerperal Healthy" application and Effleurage Relaxation Massage at each puerperal visit was effective in increasing knowledge of postpartum mothers

Keywords : Postpartum, "Puerperal Healthy" Application, Effleurage Relaxation Massage

The postpartum period is a critical period for both mother and baby. Every mother must have understanding, ability and access to health services. The application of education uses the application of "Puerperal Healthy" and Effleurage Relaxation Massage as a support system in an effort to improve the quality of maternal and child health services. Experimental research with a pre and posttest with control group design approach. Probability sampling techniques with cluster random sampling and simple random sampling numbered 62 postpartum mothers. Data analysis used paired t-test and mann whitney test. The knowledge of the respondents in the intervention group increased by 7.10 and the control group 4.61, the results of the statistical test were significant with p = 0,000. The application of the "Puerperal Healthy" application and Effleurage Relaxation Massage at each puerperal visit was effective in increasing knowledge of postpartum mothers

Keywords : Postpartum, "Puerperal Healthy" Application, Effleurage Relaxation Massage

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