Application of Online 3D Visualization in Agricultural Management

Authors : G C Saha, Ruzinoor C.M., Hasi Saha, Suraiya Yasmin, Masum Billah

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Technologies have greatly shaped the activities in farming. In this context, agricultural information technology has brought about significant change in agriculture development, especially the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in agriculture farming, including the 3D visualization technique in agriculture management applications. The 3D visualization has been a major driving force with replacing human labor and converting the earliest traditional farming methods. Therefore, good plantation management is vital for the development of agrarian technology. Good agricultural management also rests upon the ability to make right decisions. This study aim is to investigate the suitable issues of managing agriculture especially a coconut plantation and to reflect these issues to develop an online 3D visualization technique for coconut plantation management. The research attempts to contribute to a better understanding of how 3D visualization technique can be used to manage coconut farms efficiently. The online 3D visualization technique is specifically constructed to ensure the research objective of the study.

Keywords : 3D Visualization; ICT; Agriculture; Management.

Technologies have greatly shaped the activities in farming. In this context, agricultural information technology has brought about significant change in agriculture development, especially the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in agriculture farming, including the 3D visualization technique in agriculture management applications. The 3D visualization has been a major driving force with replacing human labor and converting the earliest traditional farming methods. Therefore, good plantation management is vital for the development of agrarian technology. Good agricultural management also rests upon the ability to make right decisions. This study aim is to investigate the suitable issues of managing agriculture especially a coconut plantation and to reflect these issues to develop an online 3D visualization technique for coconut plantation management. The research attempts to contribute to a better understanding of how 3D visualization technique can be used to manage coconut farms efficiently. The online 3D visualization technique is specifically constructed to ensure the research objective of the study.

Keywords : 3D Visualization; ICT; Agriculture; Management.

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