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Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Construction projects have experienced
major delays in the past decades. Project setback is a big
burden in setting up projects. Professionals have
established that delay in a project can only be controlled
if its symptom is detected and acknowledged. A project
has been described as a one-time undertaking that is
established for a purpose. A questionnaire was designed
and used to obtain the stakeholders’ perceptions
regarding the causes of project setbacks. The objectives
of this study are to establish and assess the project delay
sources in the construction industry in South Africa,
detect the mitigation measures in the construction
industry in South Africa, and ascertain different views
among stakeholders concerning project setbacks. This
study tends to address the following two questions:
‘What are the major causes of project delays in the
South African construction industry? And what are the
mitigation measures against project delays in the South
African construction industry? 54 causes of project
delays were established through the literature review.
Mitigation strategies against project delays were
identified. Mitigation strategies will help construction
professionals to improve the successful delivery of
projects. The study has proved that every project
setback has a remedy. The three major stakeholders
collectively contribute to the factors causing project
delays. The study revealed that delays in one country
may be different from another country. This study
discovered that all the stakeholders are experienced and
knowledgeable in terms of recognition of the factors
creating project delays. The study gives a clear
indication of the major contributors to project delays for
the benefit of the clients and contractors. This will serve
as a guideline for the client and the contractor toward
completing the projects within time, quality, and budget.
It will also eliminate the issue of unnecessary disputes
among the parties to the project. However, this extensive
literature review will save future researchers enough
time when conducting studies on similar topics. The
outcome of this study will assist both professionals and
academicians to understand the fundamental sources of
project setbacks and their relief strategies. This study
will help the risk planners of construction projects when
dealing with the issue of project analysis, monitoring,
and controlling, as these are the critical factors for the
successful delivery of projects. The study will also benefit
future college and university graduates whose intentions
are to proceed to the working field after graduation. The
client policymakers who can revise or create policies
based on the findings of this study will also benefit.
Keywords :
Construction, South Africa, Delay, Mitigation, Ethics
Construction projects have experienced
major delays in the past decades. Project setback is a big
burden in setting up projects. Professionals have
established that delay in a project can only be controlled
if its symptom is detected and acknowledged. A project
has been described as a one-time undertaking that is
established for a purpose. A questionnaire was designed
and used to obtain the stakeholders’ perceptions
regarding the causes of project setbacks. The objectives
of this study are to establish and assess the project delay
sources in the construction industry in South Africa,
detect the mitigation measures in the construction
industry in South Africa, and ascertain different views
among stakeholders concerning project setbacks. This
study tends to address the following two questions:
‘What are the major causes of project delays in the
South African construction industry? And what are the
mitigation measures against project delays in the South
African construction industry? 54 causes of project
delays were established through the literature review.
Mitigation strategies against project delays were
identified. Mitigation strategies will help construction
professionals to improve the successful delivery of
projects. The study has proved that every project
setback has a remedy. The three major stakeholders
collectively contribute to the factors causing project
delays. The study revealed that delays in one country
may be different from another country. This study
discovered that all the stakeholders are experienced and
knowledgeable in terms of recognition of the factors
creating project delays. The study gives a clear
indication of the major contributors to project delays for
the benefit of the clients and contractors. This will serve
as a guideline for the client and the contractor toward
completing the projects within time, quality, and budget.
It will also eliminate the issue of unnecessary disputes
among the parties to the project. However, this extensive
literature review will save future researchers enough
time when conducting studies on similar topics. The
outcome of this study will assist both professionals and
academicians to understand the fundamental sources of
project setbacks and their relief strategies. This study
will help the risk planners of construction projects when
dealing with the issue of project analysis, monitoring,
and controlling, as these are the critical factors for the
successful delivery of projects. The study will also benefit
future college and university graduates whose intentions
are to proceed to the working field after graduation. The
client policymakers who can revise or create policies
based on the findings of this study will also benefit.
Keywords :
Construction, South Africa, Delay, Mitigation, Ethics