Authors :
Vishakha Yadav
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
Scribd :
Abstract :
Energy efficiency has become a cornerstone of
sustainable development, addressing both historical
energy crises and modern environmental challenges.
Energy efficiency has emerged as a critical component in
addressing climate change and promoting sustainability,
particularly in the United States. This paper provides a
comprehensive survey of the evolution, challenges, and
opportunities within the U.S. energy efficiency market.
The historical context from the 1970s oil crises to present-
day advancements is discussed, with an emphasis on
barriers such as high upfront costs, fragmented
opportunities, and low consumer awareness. Key trends in
technology development, regulatory measures, and market
growth, particularly in the building and industrial sectors,
are examined. The role of smart grids, energy management
systems, and IoT technologies in driving energy efficiency
is also highlighted. Through the analysis of case studies,
including the use of Power BI for energy consumption
tracking, the paper underscores the potential for
technological innovations and policy frameworks to
accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient practices across
diverse sectors. The study concludes by proposing strategic
recommendations for overcoming existing barriers and
unlocking the full potential of energy efficiency in
mitigating climate change and fostering sustainable
Keywords :
Energy Efficiency, Market Trends, U.S. Sector, Challenges, Smart Technologies, Market Analysis, Industrial Sector.
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Energy efficiency has become a cornerstone of
sustainable development, addressing both historical
energy crises and modern environmental challenges.
Energy efficiency has emerged as a critical component in
addressing climate change and promoting sustainability,
particularly in the United States. This paper provides a
comprehensive survey of the evolution, challenges, and
opportunities within the U.S. energy efficiency market.
The historical context from the 1970s oil crises to present-
day advancements is discussed, with an emphasis on
barriers such as high upfront costs, fragmented
opportunities, and low consumer awareness. Key trends in
technology development, regulatory measures, and market
growth, particularly in the building and industrial sectors,
are examined. The role of smart grids, energy management
systems, and IoT technologies in driving energy efficiency
is also highlighted. Through the analysis of case studies,
including the use of Power BI for energy consumption
tracking, the paper underscores the potential for
technological innovations and policy frameworks to
accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient practices across
diverse sectors. The study concludes by proposing strategic
recommendations for overcoming existing barriers and
unlocking the full potential of energy efficiency in
mitigating climate change and fostering sustainable
Keywords :
Energy Efficiency, Market Trends, U.S. Sector, Challenges, Smart Technologies, Market Analysis, Industrial Sector.