Analysis of the Performance of Employees with the Methods of Human Resources Scorecard and Analytical Hierarchy Process in the Labor Outsourcing Company

Authors : Kharisma Islamy; Erry Rimawan; Farih Hidaya; Farid Faraitody

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG611

Abstract : Corporate services are service providers. A good service company should give the best possible service in order to create its own satisfaction for customers. Therefore, there is a greet need for qualified human resources. A company’s success is based on it’s performance, if an employee’s performance is bad then it produces a bad company. This is where human resources are concerned. With the methods of Human Resources Scorecard and Analytical Hierarchy Process this can help to see if the company’s employee’s performance is good or not. On the method of Human Resources Scorecard are the four perspectives of financial perspectives, customer perspectives, internal business process perspectives, and learning & growth perspectives. The four perspectives have the strategy of objectivity, from the strategy of objectivity, the key performance indicator. Research result from the use of both method of human resources scorecard and analytical hierarchy process, show that the employee performance assessments in this company have increased from a 4,03 score which can mean good employee performance to 4,51 which can mean very good employee performance.

Keywords : Employee Performance, Human Resources Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process.

Corporate services are service providers. A good service company should give the best possible service in order to create its own satisfaction for customers. Therefore, there is a greet need for qualified human resources. A company’s success is based on it’s performance, if an employee’s performance is bad then it produces a bad company. This is where human resources are concerned. With the methods of Human Resources Scorecard and Analytical Hierarchy Process this can help to see if the company’s employee’s performance is good or not. On the method of Human Resources Scorecard are the four perspectives of financial perspectives, customer perspectives, internal business process perspectives, and learning & growth perspectives. The four perspectives have the strategy of objectivity, from the strategy of objectivity, the key performance indicator. Research result from the use of both method of human resources scorecard and analytical hierarchy process, show that the employee performance assessments in this company have increased from a 4,03 score which can mean good employee performance to 4,51 which can mean very good employee performance.

Keywords : Employee Performance, Human Resources Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process.

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