Authors :
Syahid Suhandi Aziz, Bambang Utoyo.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
Sharia Financial Institutions both banks and non-banks are currently developing very rapidly, especially Islamic Financial Institutions. This increasingly rapid development must be balanced with a good risk management system, especially in the provision of financing. One of them at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. bank soundness level can be seen from the level of problematic financing or NPL in a given year. In order to implement a good risk management system, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, namely describing, deciphering, and explaining all data obtained from related research objects with the problems and then the data developed by the results of the study show that the Muamalat Indonesia bank must be more careful in providing financing to prospective customers considering that the NPL in the past five years has increased from 2013 to 2015 while 2016 has decreased but 2017 has increased again the stage that must be implemented is to apply the precautionary principle of assessment analysis with the character approach, character (capacity), capital (capital), collateral, and condition (business prospects).
Keywords :
Precautionary Principle, Problematic Financing.
Sharia Financial Institutions both banks and non-banks are currently developing very rapidly, especially Islamic Financial Institutions. This increasingly rapid development must be balanced with a good risk management system, especially in the provision of financing. One of them at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. bank soundness level can be seen from the level of problematic financing or NPL in a given year. In order to implement a good risk management system, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, namely describing, deciphering, and explaining all data obtained from related research objects with the problems and then the data developed by the results of the study show that the Muamalat Indonesia bank must be more careful in providing financing to prospective customers considering that the NPL in the past five years has increased from 2013 to 2015 while 2016 has decreased but 2017 has increased again the stage that must be implemented is to apply the precautionary principle of assessment analysis with the character approach, character (capacity), capital (capital), collateral, and condition (business prospects).
Keywords :
Precautionary Principle, Problematic Financing.