Analysis of the Effect of Work Shift and Time of Holidays on Employee Weak Levels

Authors : Erry Rimawan, Oky Bisma Thama Putra, Syufrianto Asmit.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : PT. Ciliandra Perkasa is a company of oil processing industries (fresh fruit bunches). The products are CPO and palm kernel. Inside the factory there is has a lot of departments, sorting, maintenance, and laboratories. When this condition is considered work time maintenance employees are still high, then if the employee continues to work with excessive working hours will be worrying fatigue will be higher. This study aimed to investigate the effect of shift work and time off for employee fatigue levels before and after doing maintenance work shift changes. The approach used in analysis work shifts and time off by using a completely randomized experimental design to optimize the design of alloy parameters and variables that exist. After the experiment and processing the data obtained value of F value (23.5)> F (Table, α, 0.05), (4:22) for a confidence level of 95% and the 99% confidence level F value (23.5)> F (Table, α, 0.01) in (7.72 ) the hypothesis is rejected for the first experiment while time off work shift that is both experimental values obtained F value (15.67)> F (Table, α, 0.05), (4:22) for a confidence level of 95% and the 99% confidence level F count ( 15.67)> F (Table, α, 0.01) in (7.72) the hypothesis is also rejected, so these results suggest that changes in work shifts and time off gives significant effect on employee fatigue.

Keywords : shift work, time off, fatigue, design of experiments.

PT. Ciliandra Perkasa is a company of oil processing industries (fresh fruit bunches). The products are CPO and palm kernel. Inside the factory there is has a lot of departments, sorting, maintenance, and laboratories. When this condition is considered work time maintenance employees are still high, then if the employee continues to work with excessive working hours will be worrying fatigue will be higher. This study aimed to investigate the effect of shift work and time off for employee fatigue levels before and after doing maintenance work shift changes. The approach used in analysis work shifts and time off by using a completely randomized experimental design to optimize the design of alloy parameters and variables that exist. After the experiment and processing the data obtained value of F value (23.5)> F (Table, α, 0.05), (4:22) for a confidence level of 95% and the 99% confidence level F value (23.5)> F (Table, α, 0.01) in (7.72 ) the hypothesis is rejected for the first experiment while time off work shift that is both experimental values obtained F value (15.67)> F (Table, α, 0.05), (4:22) for a confidence level of 95% and the 99% confidence level F count ( 15.67)> F (Table, α, 0.01) in (7.72) the hypothesis is also rejected, so these results suggest that changes in work shifts and time off gives significant effect on employee fatigue.

Keywords : shift work, time off, fatigue, design of experiments.

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