Authors :
Muhamad Yazid Bustomi; Agung Enggal Nugroho; Sugeng Raharjo; Faizal; Naufal Fadhil; Wawan Setiawan; Ricky Santana
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
UKM Tangguh is a collaborative
entrepreneurship education program. The program
consists of required entrepreneurship material and is
adapted to current developments for entrepreneurs in
various business fields as participants. Economically, the
UKM Tangguh program has contributed to the number
of MSMEs upgrading, as seen from changes in the
composition of the business scale. Socially, the UKM
Tangguh program has helped change the mindset of
participants from being a trader to being business person.
The objectives of this research are (1) to determine the
impact of the program through the social return on
investment (SROI) approach and (2) to analyze the level
of community satisfaction with the program. The data
analysis method uses a comparison of SROI values and
the community satisfaction index. Respondents in this
study were all participants who were members of the
UKM Tangguh program and were willing to take part in
each activity session provided. The research results show
that the SROI value of the UKM Tangguh program is
21.49, which means that every rupiah of investment given
by the company to this program can provide added value,
reaching 21.49 times. The assessment of the UKM
Tangguh program from the beneficiaries received a very
good rating with a score of 3.28 on a scale of 4, if converted
to a scale of 100 with a score of 82.04 in the very satisfied
category. The high level of beneficiary satisfaction shows
the success of implementing the program.
Keywords :
Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Return On Investment, Satisfaction Index.
References :
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UKM Tangguh is a collaborative
entrepreneurship education program. The program
consists of required entrepreneurship material and is
adapted to current developments for entrepreneurs in
various business fields as participants. Economically, the
UKM Tangguh program has contributed to the number
of MSMEs upgrading, as seen from changes in the
composition of the business scale. Socially, the UKM
Tangguh program has helped change the mindset of
participants from being a trader to being business person.
The objectives of this research are (1) to determine the
impact of the program through the social return on
investment (SROI) approach and (2) to analyze the level
of community satisfaction with the program. The data
analysis method uses a comparison of SROI values and
the community satisfaction index. Respondents in this
study were all participants who were members of the
UKM Tangguh program and were willing to take part in
each activity session provided. The research results show
that the SROI value of the UKM Tangguh program is
21.49, which means that every rupiah of investment given
by the company to this program can provide added value,
reaching 21.49 times. The assessment of the UKM
Tangguh program from the beneficiaries received a very
good rating with a score of 3.28 on a scale of 4, if converted
to a scale of 100 with a score of 82.04 in the very satisfied
category. The high level of beneficiary satisfaction shows
the success of implementing the program.
Keywords :
Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Return On Investment, Satisfaction Index.