Authors :
Sulardi, Yulastri Arif, Nurariati.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
The functional position of nurses is an important element for nurses in carrying out the duties, responsibilities, and authority because it happens so as not to overlap in the discharge of his duty, however the current promotion post of nurse functional has not been optimal. This research aims to analyze the assessment of functional Office credit numbers of nurses in a hospital in Palembang. Type of this research is a survey of analytical approach to the study of documentation. This research uses the file 58 nurse functional with technical total sampling. Functional characteristics of nurses in hospitals of Palembang mostly female gender (96.55%), Education Diploma III (53.42%), education and compliance against the rank (82.76%). The results of this study according to the type of position most of the skilled nurses (94.8%), according to the level of the post of nurse (Advanced 67.24%), and according to the rank requirement of skilled young stylist level I (49.09%). Nursing of functional age the majority of young adults (72.41 percent) and 10-15 year working period (63.6%). The perception of functional barriers against nurses rise in position in a hospital in Palembang of which permit the lectures of BKD, published after completing his degree, nurses lack socialization policy of BKD about filing grooves along with the task of studying, lack of motivation, and the support from nurse managers. The study recommends the need for dissemination of good policy from BKD about filing grooves with the task of learning as well as support from the Manager of the hospital.
Keywords :
Nurse, Credit Number, Assessment of functional.
The functional position of nurses is an important element for nurses in carrying out the duties, responsibilities, and authority because it happens so as not to overlap in the discharge of his duty, however the current promotion post of nurse functional has not been optimal. This research aims to analyze the assessment of functional Office credit numbers of nurses in a hospital in Palembang. Type of this research is a survey of analytical approach to the study of documentation. This research uses the file 58 nurse functional with technical total sampling. Functional characteristics of nurses in hospitals of Palembang mostly female gender (96.55%), Education Diploma III (53.42%), education and compliance against the rank (82.76%). The results of this study according to the type of position most of the skilled nurses (94.8%), according to the level of the post of nurse (Advanced 67.24%), and according to the rank requirement of skilled young stylist level I (49.09%). Nursing of functional age the majority of young adults (72.41 percent) and 10-15 year working period (63.6%). The perception of functional barriers against nurses rise in position in a hospital in Palembang of which permit the lectures of BKD, published after completing his degree, nurses lack socialization policy of BKD about filing grooves along with the task of studying, lack of motivation, and the support from nurse managers. The study recommends the need for dissemination of good policy from BKD about filing grooves with the task of learning as well as support from the Manager of the hospital.
Keywords :
Nurse, Credit Number, Assessment of functional.