Analysis of Cylinder Comp Product Quality Control with Proposed Improvements at PT. Jakarta Automotive

Authors : Rizqi Adji Ramdani; Fibi Eko Putra; Putri Anggun Sari

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : In the era of globalization, the manufacturing industry faces its biggest challenge, namely the demands of consumer needs with high quality standards. Various kinds of waste often occur in the production process, one of which is caused by a poor layout of facilities, for example the arrangement of machines on the production line that is not suitable. This is a problem in the production process of machining cylinder comp at PT. Jakarta Automotive. With the aim of finding out the factors that cause product defects in machining cylinder comp and finding design of improvement proposals to reduce the defects that occur, this study uses a quantitative method to find DPMO and sigma values as an analysis of the cause of the problem. The result of this study was the discovery of less than optimal engine layout settings that caused TAP NG defects in the product. So that a design of a proposed improvement was made in the form of a change in the engine layout. In conclusion, in this study, it was identified that the non-optimal engine layout was the cause of the high defects. Therefore, improvements are proposed in the form of changing the engine layout on the production line with the aim of reducing the level of defects caused by a less than optimal layout.

Keywords : Six Sigma, Engine Layout, Cylinder Comp.

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In the era of globalization, the manufacturing industry faces its biggest challenge, namely the demands of consumer needs with high quality standards. Various kinds of waste often occur in the production process, one of which is caused by a poor layout of facilities, for example the arrangement of machines on the production line that is not suitable. This is a problem in the production process of machining cylinder comp at PT. Jakarta Automotive. With the aim of finding out the factors that cause product defects in machining cylinder comp and finding design of improvement proposals to reduce the defects that occur, this study uses a quantitative method to find DPMO and sigma values as an analysis of the cause of the problem. The result of this study was the discovery of less than optimal engine layout settings that caused TAP NG defects in the product. So that a design of a proposed improvement was made in the form of a change in the engine layout. In conclusion, in this study, it was identified that the non-optimal engine layout was the cause of the high defects. Therefore, improvements are proposed in the form of changing the engine layout on the production line with the aim of reducing the level of defects caused by a less than optimal layout.

Keywords : Six Sigma, Engine Layout, Cylinder Comp.

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