An Innovative RTM Providing Test Maintenance in An Automated Scripting New Frameworks

Authors : R.Padmavathi, P.Saravanan

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : In the software testing domain clients and the business community have gained maturity to understand the benefits of implementing a test automation Framework. Test automation is a process of performing software testing activity by utilizing various test automation tools. Test automation Framework plays a vital role in the success or failure of any software automation project .In This research work implementing development framework RTM(Relational Traceability Matrix) automated scripting it is the mapping between test case and use case, the RTM is used as a test planning tool to help determine how many tests are required ,what types of test are required ,whether test can automated or manual and if any existing test can be reused using the RTM scripting in this way helps ensure that the resulting test are most effective, in the existing methodology only done with traceability of test cases ,In this research work done realize to implement RTM automated scripts module before going to the market once again the user can test into the main functionality, RTM is used to map requirements to test cases in order to ensure all requirements are closed. In this research work implementing reduction in test cycle time ,money saving ,better faster testing rapid validation of software changes with each new release of application in possible automation testing offers a level of consistency which is not achievable through the use of manual testing, enhance productivity and reusable test scripts are possible.

Keywords : RTM-Requirement traceability matrix, Automated scripting, Requirement test cases, TM-Trace matrix, Functional requirements, Design specifications.

In the software testing domain clients and the business community have gained maturity to understand the benefits of implementing a test automation Framework. Test automation is a process of performing software testing activity by utilizing various test automation tools. Test automation Framework plays a vital role in the success or failure of any software automation project .In This research work implementing development framework RTM(Relational Traceability Matrix) automated scripting it is the mapping between test case and use case, the RTM is used as a test planning tool to help determine how many tests are required ,what types of test are required ,whether test can automated or manual and if any existing test can be reused using the RTM scripting in this way helps ensure that the resulting test are most effective, in the existing methodology only done with traceability of test cases ,In this research work done realize to implement RTM automated scripts module before going to the market once again the user can test into the main functionality, RTM is used to map requirements to test cases in order to ensure all requirements are closed. In this research work implementing reduction in test cycle time ,money saving ,better faster testing rapid validation of software changes with each new release of application in possible automation testing offers a level of consistency which is not achievable through the use of manual testing, enhance productivity and reusable test scripts are possible.

Keywords : RTM-Requirement traceability matrix, Automated scripting, Requirement test cases, TM-Trace matrix, Functional requirements, Design specifications.

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