An Analysis of Inequalities in Education in Telangana State

Authors : K. Anji Reddy

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : Inequality persists in every sphere of human society but these inequalities have to be at minimum level adjustable by the society. Despite several efforts made by the governments to reduce the inequalities instead of decreasing income inequalities, they are increasing in the recent past. Inequalities in literacy by gender and social category wise are reduced to a greater extent but still they continue to exist. In equalities in gross enrolment ratios at school education level almost eliminated but SCs dropout rate is much less than STs and others. In equalities in learning levels do exist at school education level between gender, social category, rural-urban and subject wise. Gross enrolment ratios at higher education level Telangana state is doing far better than all India ratios, in equalities in gender are reduced significantly in fact SCs girls GER is higher than boys and also other social categories too. Equity in financing of education among social categories and different levels of education reduced but still exists. After the formation of the Telangana state the government spending has increased substantially in every sector of the economy and education also received increased funding. But these increased funding is not commensurate with increasing demand. Therefore, the government has to increase government spending substantially to increase the human capital and incomes of the people by providing quality of education to reduce all kinds’ inequalities in education and society. The present paper is divided into five sections. First section deals with how inequalities are exist in the present society. Inequalities in literacy, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), enrolment, dropout at school level and higher education are presented in section two and in section three analyzed inequalities in learning by gender, social groups and rural-urban. In section four examined inequalities in financing of education by different levels of education and social groups and summary and conclusions are made in last section.

Keywords : Inequality, Social Group, Literacy, Learning Level, Financing

Inequality persists in every sphere of human society but these inequalities have to be at minimum level adjustable by the society. Despite several efforts made by the governments to reduce the inequalities instead of decreasing income inequalities, they are increasing in the recent past. Inequalities in literacy by gender and social category wise are reduced to a greater extent but still they continue to exist. In equalities in gross enrolment ratios at school education level almost eliminated but SCs dropout rate is much less than STs and others. In equalities in learning levels do exist at school education level between gender, social category, rural-urban and subject wise. Gross enrolment ratios at higher education level Telangana state is doing far better than all India ratios, in equalities in gender are reduced significantly in fact SCs girls GER is higher than boys and also other social categories too. Equity in financing of education among social categories and different levels of education reduced but still exists. After the formation of the Telangana state the government spending has increased substantially in every sector of the economy and education also received increased funding. But these increased funding is not commensurate with increasing demand. Therefore, the government has to increase government spending substantially to increase the human capital and incomes of the people by providing quality of education to reduce all kinds’ inequalities in education and society. The present paper is divided into five sections. First section deals with how inequalities are exist in the present society. Inequalities in literacy, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), enrolment, dropout at school level and higher education are presented in section two and in section three analyzed inequalities in learning by gender, social groups and rural-urban. In section four examined inequalities in financing of education by different levels of education and social groups and summary and conclusions are made in last section.

Keywords : Inequality, Social Group, Literacy, Learning Level, Financing

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