Amenorrhea and it’s Homoeopathic Management

Authors : Dr. Rubaljeet Kaur

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : Amenorrhea literally means absence of menstruation. It is a symptom not a disease. The prevalence of amenorrhea is increasing day by day as the more no. of females are visiting gynaecologist due to this problem. When menstruation starts in a female it is called menarche and when the menstruation ceases or ends at the age of [45-50 yrs ]in a female it is called menopause. Homoeopathy plays very important role in treating amenorrhea. Homoeopathy acts deeper at a dynamic level. Homoeopathy treats patient in a holistic manner as a whole rather than treating only disease.

Keywords : Amenorrhea , homoeopathy

Amenorrhea literally means absence of menstruation. It is a symptom not a disease. The prevalence of amenorrhea is increasing day by day as the more no. of females are visiting gynaecologist due to this problem. When menstruation starts in a female it is called menarche and when the menstruation ceases or ends at the age of [45-50 yrs ]in a female it is called menopause. Homoeopathy plays very important role in treating amenorrhea. Homoeopathy acts deeper at a dynamic level. Homoeopathy treats patient in a holistic manner as a whole rather than treating only disease.

Keywords : Amenorrhea , homoeopathy

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