AI in Healthcare and Medicine: Transforming Global Health through Innovation and AI Integration

Authors : Sumit Chaurasia; Mahendra Singh Rawat; Nishant Bhati; Akash Mallick

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, particularly through Ai in technology, is revolution- izing modern medical practices, offering vast improvements in patient care, diagnosis, treatment, and overall healthcare delivery. Ai in, which combines advanced algorithms with deep learning models, provides new avenues for medical professionals to diag- nose diseases, monitor patient health, and develop personalized treatment plans. This paper explores the applications of Aiin healthcare care, its potential to improve medical outcomes,the benefits it offers, and the obstaclesit faces in terms of implementation. In addition, it examines the ethical, legal and social implications of AI in healthcare to ensure responsible and sustainable advancements in the field.

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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, particularly through Ai in technology, is revolution- izing modern medical practices, offering vast improvements in patient care, diagnosis, treatment, and overall healthcare delivery. Ai in, which combines advanced algorithms with deep learning models, provides new avenues for medical professionals to diag- nose diseases, monitor patient health, and develop personalized treatment plans. This paper explores the applications of Aiin healthcare care, its potential to improve medical outcomes,the benefits it offers, and the obstaclesit faces in terms of implementation. In addition, it examines the ethical, legal and social implications of AI in healthcare to ensure responsible and sustainable advancements in the field.

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