Authors :
Tukir Rahman
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Normal hearing is essential for communication
in social life. Severe to profound hearing loss influences
one's capacity to hear, yet distract to learn and has, in
turn, have far-reaching consequences owing to one’s
inability to communicate adequately in society. Luckily,
the dominant part of this hearing impaired individual can
benefit from the cochlear implant. The goal of the
research was to investigate the different hearing
impairment aetiologies of patients in the cochlear implant
program and serves as sampling material for future
preventive public health care actions. This was a Survey
medical research study conducted in the cochlear implant
center situated in Dhaka cantonment from October 2019
to January 2020 of the deafened children who worked–up
under the cochlear implant program. Total 191 children
were included with hearing impairment. Collected data
was: age, gender, date of birth, clinical profile and hearing
impairment aetiology. All the information were analyzed
in a study period, out of which prenatal 84(47.40%),
perinatal 16(8.37%), postnatal 91(44.23%) hearing
impaired was found. The most common cause of deafness
in the study was Difficulty in pregnancy (19.89%),
Consanguinity marriage (14.13%) was the 2nd leading
cause then chronologically Anemia (12.56%), CMV
(9.94%), Trauma (9.42%), sudden hearing loss (8.37%),
LBW & Hereditary (7.85%), Rubella (6.80%), High Fever
(5.76%), Typhoid (4.71%), Meningitis (3.66%), Others
(2.62%), Noise (1.57%) was found. Among 191 patient 27
were adults and Among the adults major aetiology of
hearing loss was Sudden loss (25.92%), Trauma & Noise
(18.51%) were the 2nd leading cause, Hereditary &
Meningitis (14.81%) were the 3rd leading cause. The
major aetiological factor that caused deafness in the study
was difficulty in pregnancy. Awareness programs for
community and primary medical provider for early
detection of hearing abnormality at ground level should
be promoted, which will serve as sampling for future
actions in public health.
Keywords :
Hearing Loss, Aetiology, Cochlear Implantation, Pregnancy Difficulty.
References :
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Normal hearing is essential for communication
in social life. Severe to profound hearing loss influences
one's capacity to hear, yet distract to learn and has, in
turn, have far-reaching consequences owing to one’s
inability to communicate adequately in society. Luckily,
the dominant part of this hearing impaired individual can
benefit from the cochlear implant. The goal of the
research was to investigate the different hearing
impairment aetiologies of patients in the cochlear implant
program and serves as sampling material for future
preventive public health care actions. This was a Survey
medical research study conducted in the cochlear implant
center situated in Dhaka cantonment from October 2019
to January 2020 of the deafened children who worked–up
under the cochlear implant program. Total 191 children
were included with hearing impairment. Collected data
was: age, gender, date of birth, clinical profile and hearing
impairment aetiology. All the information were analyzed
in a study period, out of which prenatal 84(47.40%),
perinatal 16(8.37%), postnatal 91(44.23%) hearing
impaired was found. The most common cause of deafness
in the study was Difficulty in pregnancy (19.89%),
Consanguinity marriage (14.13%) was the 2nd leading
cause then chronologically Anemia (12.56%), CMV
(9.94%), Trauma (9.42%), sudden hearing loss (8.37%),
LBW & Hereditary (7.85%), Rubella (6.80%), High Fever
(5.76%), Typhoid (4.71%), Meningitis (3.66%), Others
(2.62%), Noise (1.57%) was found. Among 191 patient 27
were adults and Among the adults major aetiology of
hearing loss was Sudden loss (25.92%), Trauma & Noise
(18.51%) were the 2nd leading cause, Hereditary &
Meningitis (14.81%) were the 3rd leading cause. The
major aetiological factor that caused deafness in the study
was difficulty in pregnancy. Awareness programs for
community and primary medical provider for early
detection of hearing abnormality at ground level should
be promoted, which will serve as sampling for future
actions in public health.
Keywords :
Hearing Loss, Aetiology, Cochlear Implantation, Pregnancy Difficulty.