Authors :
Nikhil Sanjay Suryawanshi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Heart disease remains one of the leading
causes of mortality worldwide, with diagnosis and
treatment presenting significant challenges, particularly
in developing nations. These challenges stem from the
scarcity of effective diagnostic tools, a lack of qualified
medical personnel, and other factors that hinder good
patient prognosis and treatment. The rise in cardiac
disorders, despite their preventability, is primarily due to
inadequate preventive measures and a shortage of skilled
medical providers. In this study, we propose a novel
approach to enhance the accuracy of cardiovascular
disease prediction by identifying critical features using
advanced machine learning techniques. Utilizing the
Cleveland Heart Disease dataset, we explore various
feature combinations and implement multiple well-known
classification strategies. By integrating a Voting Classifier
ensemble, which combines Logistic Regression, Gradient
Boosting, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) models, we
create a robust prediction model for heart disease. This
hybrid approach achieves a remarkable accuracy level of
97.9%, significantly improving the precision of
cardiovascular disease prediction and offering a valuable
tool for early diagnosis and treatment.
Keywords :
Heart Disease Prediction, Cardiovascular Disease, Machine Learning, Ensemble Learning, Logistic Regression, Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Hybrid Models, Voting Classifier, Cleveland Dataset.
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Heart disease remains one of the leading
causes of mortality worldwide, with diagnosis and
treatment presenting significant challenges, particularly
in developing nations. These challenges stem from the
scarcity of effective diagnostic tools, a lack of qualified
medical personnel, and other factors that hinder good
patient prognosis and treatment. The rise in cardiac
disorders, despite their preventability, is primarily due to
inadequate preventive measures and a shortage of skilled
medical providers. In this study, we propose a novel
approach to enhance the accuracy of cardiovascular
disease prediction by identifying critical features using
advanced machine learning techniques. Utilizing the
Cleveland Heart Disease dataset, we explore various
feature combinations and implement multiple well-known
classification strategies. By integrating a Voting Classifier
ensemble, which combines Logistic Regression, Gradient
Boosting, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) models, we
create a robust prediction model for heart disease. This
hybrid approach achieves a remarkable accuracy level of
97.9%, significantly improving the precision of
cardiovascular disease prediction and offering a valuable
tool for early diagnosis and treatment.
Keywords :
Heart Disease Prediction, Cardiovascular Disease, Machine Learning, Ensemble Learning, Logistic Regression, Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Hybrid Models, Voting Classifier, Cleveland Dataset.