Acceleration Detector for Phone Safety

Authors : Mansi Agarwal.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : As the era of technology is increasing daily more and more people are using mobile phones, tablets, laptops. This idea of acceleration detector can keep an person device cozy from circuit harm, catching fire and scratches at the display screen. The concept of acceleration detector is that, when there may be a loose falling movement takes place then a bag will pop up from the cover of the phone. In this process we will save you all the statistics present in the telephone or laptop by now not losing the gadget.

Keywords : Gadgets, Safety, Acceleration, Free-Fall, Protection.

As the era of technology is increasing daily more and more people are using mobile phones, tablets, laptops. This idea of acceleration detector can keep an person device cozy from circuit harm, catching fire and scratches at the display screen. The concept of acceleration detector is that, when there may be a loose falling movement takes place then a bag will pop up from the cover of the phone. In this process we will save you all the statistics present in the telephone or laptop by now not losing the gadget.

Keywords : Gadgets, Safety, Acceleration, Free-Fall, Protection.

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