A Tertiary Health Care Centre Experience of the Impact of COVID on the Case Load in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at MGM Hospital, Aurangabad

Authors : Dr. Avani Dhingra; Dr. Shubhangi Mande

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3MtSZDd

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6486780

Abstract : COVID – 19 pandemic had profound impact on the health care system which came to a collapse on every front. We aimed to study the change in number of patients in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in MGM hospital, Aurangabad. Methods: It is retrospective, observational study which was done over a period of 18 months including pre pandemic, pandemic and post pandemic phases wherein the number of OPD and IPD patients and Number of the emergency services were compared. Findings: OPD patient load decreased by 73.2% during the pandemic phase as compared to the pre pandemic era and couldn’t gain the original count of the pre pandemic phase even after the pandemic was over. Patients with gynecological complaints decreased significantly and the total confinements reduced by 66.4%. The second trimester abortions showed a relative increase in the pandemic phase. Also the ANC patient load showed a decreasing trend however the majority of OPD or emergency patients were ANC. In total the COVID 19 pandemic adversely affected the total patient load at a tertiary health care center in this case the MGM Hospital, Aurangabad.

COVID – 19 pandemic had profound impact on the health care system which came to a collapse on every front. We aimed to study the change in number of patients in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in MGM hospital, Aurangabad. Methods: It is retrospective, observational study which was done over a period of 18 months including pre pandemic, pandemic and post pandemic phases wherein the number of OPD and IPD patients and Number of the emergency services were compared. Findings: OPD patient load decreased by 73.2% during the pandemic phase as compared to the pre pandemic era and couldn’t gain the original count of the pre pandemic phase even after the pandemic was over. Patients with gynecological complaints decreased significantly and the total confinements reduced by 66.4%. The second trimester abortions showed a relative increase in the pandemic phase. Also the ANC patient load showed a decreasing trend however the majority of OPD or emergency patients were ANC. In total the COVID 19 pandemic adversely affected the total patient load at a tertiary health care center in this case the MGM Hospital, Aurangabad.

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