Authors :
T S Bhagavath Singh; Abhishek V; Akhil K; Hardik Goyal; Harshavardhana C Joshi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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DOI : 10.5281/zenodo. 14565215
Abstract :
This survey examines ten research articles
analyzing multiple facets of interpolation techniques,
highlighting their methodologies, applications, and
advancements. We categorize these techniques into
linear, polynomial, spline, non-linear, and hybrid
approaches, discussing their effectiveness and limitations
in real-world applications. Thepaper aims to offer an in-
depth analysis of the current interpolation state in DSP,
identifying challengesand suggesting future research
References :
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This survey examines ten research articles
analyzing multiple facets of interpolation techniques,
highlighting their methodologies, applications, and
advancements. We categorize these techniques into
linear, polynomial, spline, non-linear, and hybrid
approaches, discussing their effectiveness and limitations
in real-world applications. Thepaper aims to offer an in-
depth analysis of the current interpolation state in DSP,
identifying challengesand suggesting future research