Authors :
Vidya More, Sakshi Gavali, Pooja Kale.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
Now days, security of the confidential information of the organization or an individual become a serious issue. Because of vulnerability of system allow to unauthorized person to access the confidential information or data. Because of unauthorized access the confidentiality of information get break. So, biometrics is a good hierarchy to maintain the security of the confidential data. Accordingly, Biometrics refers to the physical and behavioral characteristics of the human, Such as face recognition, voice, gait, finger print, palm retina etc. Correspondingly, by using of biometrics it is possible to establish an individual identity based on “who user is rather than “what he holds or own”. In this paper we make a survey on previous biometrics topics, its advantages and disadvantages and related privacy concerns.
Keywords :
Biometrics, Recognition, Identification, Verification etc.
Now days, security of the confidential information of the organization or an individual become a serious issue. Because of vulnerability of system allow to unauthorized person to access the confidential information or data. Because of unauthorized access the confidentiality of information get break. So, biometrics is a good hierarchy to maintain the security of the confidential data. Accordingly, Biometrics refers to the physical and behavioral characteristics of the human, Such as face recognition, voice, gait, finger print, palm retina etc. Correspondingly, by using of biometrics it is possible to establish an individual identity based on “who user is rather than “what he holds or own”. In this paper we make a survey on previous biometrics topics, its advantages and disadvantages and related privacy concerns.
Keywords :
Biometrics, Recognition, Identification, Verification etc.