Authors :
Dr. Deelip S. Natekar, Sureshgouda S Patil, Chandrashekhar, Kavita Chalawadi, Darshini Gulannavar, Daneshwari Belagali, Babu Asangi, Bhimappa
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November
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Abstract :
A Quasi-experimental research was undertaken
to evaluate the effectiveness of PTP on knowledge
regarding prevention of home accidents among the
mothers of under five children. Pre-experimental, one
group pre-test-post-test method was followed. For this
study 60 mothers were included as participants. Data
collection was done by structured knowledge questionnaire
tool. Results revealed as majority 32(53.33%) of mothers
were in between 21-25 yrs. The relation between pre-test
and post-test scores showed as overall mean difference of
pre-test and post-test was 13.5, Median was 13, Mode was
12, standard deviation was 0.04 and range was 1. The
study concluded that post-test knowledge score is more
than pre-test knowledge score; hence the PTP is found
Keywords :
Mothers, Home Accidents, Structured Interview Schedule.
A Quasi-experimental research was undertaken
to evaluate the effectiveness of PTP on knowledge
regarding prevention of home accidents among the
mothers of under five children. Pre-experimental, one
group pre-test-post-test method was followed. For this
study 60 mothers were included as participants. Data
collection was done by structured knowledge questionnaire
tool. Results revealed as majority 32(53.33%) of mothers
were in between 21-25 yrs. The relation between pre-test
and post-test scores showed as overall mean difference of
pre-test and post-test was 13.5, Median was 13, Mode was
12, standard deviation was 0.04 and range was 1. The
study concluded that post-test knowledge score is more
than pre-test knowledge score; hence the PTP is found
Keywords :
Mothers, Home Accidents, Structured Interview Schedule.