Authors :
Sharanamma Basavantraya Bantanur; Kamala K N; Dr. Deelip. S. Natekar; Shreedevi. Teli
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
This chapter deala with the statement of the problem ,
objectives, operational definitions, assumptions, hypothesis,
variables, and conceptual framework of the study.
Objectives of the study
1.To assess the knowledge of antenatal mothers on
knowledge regarding selected post natal complications and
its management.
2.To determine the effectiveness of planned teaching
programme on knowledge regarding selected postnatal
complications and its management among antenatal
3.To find out the association between level of post test
knowledge score of antenatal mothers on knowledge
regarding selected post natal complications and its
management with their selected socio-demographic
This chapter deala with the statement of the problem ,
objectives, operational definitions, assumptions, hypothesis,
variables, and conceptual framework of the study.
Objectives of the study
1.To assess the knowledge of antenatal mothers on
knowledge regarding selected post natal complications and
its management.
2.To determine the effectiveness of planned teaching
programme on knowledge regarding selected postnatal
complications and its management among antenatal
3.To find out the association between level of post test
knowledge score of antenatal mothers on knowledge
regarding selected post natal complications and its
management with their selected socio-demographic