Authors :
Anandvardhan; Ashish Kumar Srivastava
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Scrolling over social media accounts has
become one of Generation Z's favourite pastimes. It would
not be an exaggeration to say social media has become
essential to our everyday lives. In this paper, the
researchers have tried to gain a deeper insight into the
acceptance of social mediaas a marketing communication
tool among Gen Z in Gorakhpur city and its ultimate
impact on their buying intentions. The researchers did a
descriptive study of the data collected from the students in
Gorakhpur, a town in eastern Uttar Pradesh. Using
descriptive and inferential statistics, they concluded
that social media applications have a high acceptance
and have asignificant impact on the buying intentions of
Gen Z.
Keywords :
Social Media Marketing, Gen Z, Buying Intention.
References :
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-,the%20previous%20year%20(38%25)%3 A
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Scrolling over social media accounts has
become one of Generation Z's favourite pastimes. It would
not be an exaggeration to say social media has become
essential to our everyday lives. In this paper, the
researchers have tried to gain a deeper insight into the
acceptance of social mediaas a marketing communication
tool among Gen Z in Gorakhpur city and its ultimate
impact on their buying intentions. The researchers did a
descriptive study of the data collected from the students in
Gorakhpur, a town in eastern Uttar Pradesh. Using
descriptive and inferential statistics, they concluded
that social media applications have a high acceptance
and have asignificant impact on the buying intentions of
Gen Z.
Keywords :
Social Media Marketing, Gen Z, Buying Intention.