A Study of Theoretical Concepts of Job Satisfaction

Authors : Rajni

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3RzPCNz

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7047699

Abstract : Job satisfaction seems to be an important area which has drawn attention of managers in the organization as well as academicians. In present scenario where competition is rising day by day due to globalisation, managers have to keep a close watch on the construct of job satisfaction. Various studies have been conducted to find out the factors which determine job satisfaction and the way it influences the efficiency and effectiveness of an employee. Many a times job satisfaction has been proved as a significant determinant of organizational commitment. Job satisfaction of an employee show a positive relationship with the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizations. Job satisfaction lead to better performance of the employees and has increased their commitment towards their organization. Hence, this study is focussed to extract the essence of all the theoretical concept about job satisfaction

Keywords : Employees, Job Satisfaction, Theory.

Job satisfaction seems to be an important area which has drawn attention of managers in the organization as well as academicians. In present scenario where competition is rising day by day due to globalisation, managers have to keep a close watch on the construct of job satisfaction. Various studies have been conducted to find out the factors which determine job satisfaction and the way it influences the efficiency and effectiveness of an employee. Many a times job satisfaction has been proved as a significant determinant of organizational commitment. Job satisfaction of an employee show a positive relationship with the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizations. Job satisfaction lead to better performance of the employees and has increased their commitment towards their organization. Hence, this study is focussed to extract the essence of all the theoretical concept about job satisfaction

Keywords : Employees, Job Satisfaction, Theory.

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