A Study of Knowledge and Practices among Adolescents Girls Regarding Menstruation in Government Schools of Amritsar

Authors : Dr. Kritika Bansal, Dr. Shambhavi, Dr. Shivesh Devgan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2PJSTvB

Abstract :  Introduction:- Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adult life during which pubertal development and sexual maturation take place, thus making physiological development a challenge adolescents have to face. There is a substantial lacuna in the knowledge towards menstruation among adolescent girls. Menstrual hygiene and management is an issue that is insufficiently acknowledged and has not received adequate attention.  Objectives: A) To study awareness regarding menstruation among adolescents. B) To study practice regarding menstruation among adolescents.  Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted by interviewing all the female students who had attained menarche in 8 to 10th class by using a semi structured, pretested questionnaire at government schools, Amritsar. Data was analyzed in SPSS 25.  Results: Majority of participants belonged to age group of 10- 14 years. 88% belonged to Sikh religion. 65.1% belonged to lower middle SES group (Modified BG Prasad Scale). 47.8% of participants had attained menarche at middle age. Majority of them did not know about menstruation before attaining menarche. Maximum number of participants does not go to temple during menstruation. 90% of participants were using sanitary pad as absorbent during menstruation. Conclusion: All the female participants knew about sanitary pad and all were using sanitary pad during menstruation. Health education and counseling should be imparted regarding healthy practices during menstruation.

Keywords : Adolescent girls, Menstruation, Menarche, Knowledge, Practice.

 Introduction:- Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adult life during which pubertal development and sexual maturation take place, thus making physiological development a challenge adolescents have to face. There is a substantial lacuna in the knowledge towards menstruation among adolescent girls. Menstrual hygiene and management is an issue that is insufficiently acknowledged and has not received adequate attention.  Objectives: A) To study awareness regarding menstruation among adolescents. B) To study practice regarding menstruation among adolescents.  Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted by interviewing all the female students who had attained menarche in 8 to 10th class by using a semi structured, pretested questionnaire at government schools, Amritsar. Data was analyzed in SPSS 25.  Results: Majority of participants belonged to age group of 10- 14 years. 88% belonged to Sikh religion. 65.1% belonged to lower middle SES group (Modified BG Prasad Scale). 47.8% of participants had attained menarche at middle age. Majority of them did not know about menstruation before attaining menarche. Maximum number of participants does not go to temple during menstruation. 90% of participants were using sanitary pad as absorbent during menstruation. Conclusion: All the female participants knew about sanitary pad and all were using sanitary pad during menstruation. Health education and counseling should be imparted regarding healthy practices during menstruation.

Keywords : Adolescent girls, Menstruation, Menarche, Knowledge, Practice.

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