A Study of Attitude of Headmasters towards the Right to Education Act in Thane District

Authors : Kalpana Harishchandra Navale.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : In the present study an attempt has been made by the investigator to study the attitude of Primary school Headmasters towards the “Right to Education Act,” in the district of Thane, Maharashtra. The investigator has used Descriptive Survey method for the present study. The sample consists of 60 Headmasters from 60 selected Primary schools which are situated in the district of Thane, Maharashtra. Prepositional stratified random sampling technique has been used for the selection of sample. The investigator has developed Attitude scale (for Headmasters) by themselves to measure the attitude of Headmasters the Right to Education Act. For the analysis of data Mean, S.D and ANOVA, t‟ test have been used in the present study. The overall results indicate that the attitude of Primary school Headmasters of the district of Thane is Favorable i.e. high favorable Attitude towards the Right to Education Act,. Therefore, it can be said that there is no significant difference of Headmasters attitude towards the Right to Education Act on the basis of age, gender, teaching experience, Location of School but there is a significant difference of Headmasters attitude towards the Right to Education Act on the basis of Type of School and Qualification. It is reflected through the present study that the Primary School Headmasters have more favorable attitude about the various aspects enshrined in the Right to Education Act, Maharashtra, India.

Keywords : Attitude, Headmasters, Right to Education Act, Basic Provisions in the RTE Act.

In the present study an attempt has been made by the investigator to study the attitude of Primary school Headmasters towards the “Right to Education Act,” in the district of Thane, Maharashtra. The investigator has used Descriptive Survey method for the present study. The sample consists of 60 Headmasters from 60 selected Primary schools which are situated in the district of Thane, Maharashtra. Prepositional stratified random sampling technique has been used for the selection of sample. The investigator has developed Attitude scale (for Headmasters) by themselves to measure the attitude of Headmasters the Right to Education Act. For the analysis of data Mean, S.D and ANOVA, t‟ test have been used in the present study. The overall results indicate that the attitude of Primary school Headmasters of the district of Thane is Favorable i.e. high favorable Attitude towards the Right to Education Act,. Therefore, it can be said that there is no significant difference of Headmasters attitude towards the Right to Education Act on the basis of age, gender, teaching experience, Location of School but there is a significant difference of Headmasters attitude towards the Right to Education Act on the basis of Type of School and Qualification. It is reflected through the present study that the Primary School Headmasters have more favorable attitude about the various aspects enshrined in the Right to Education Act, Maharashtra, India.

Keywords : Attitude, Headmasters, Right to Education Act, Basic Provisions in the RTE Act.

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