A Review of Wastewater Treatment Techniques

Authors : Marwa Mohamed Mohamed Abdelwahed

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3iTQ5c7

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG163

Abstract : With the rapid population growth, economic progress in addition to the global climate change (global warming), the demand for saving the limited natural resources become a huge challenge facing the world. Water is one of the natural resources that has become increasingly scarce and many of them are polluted by various human activities. Moreover, discharge untreated wastewater into surface waters such as river and lakes can causes human health problems and harm huge on the environmental through the negative impact on the wildlife, marine life and plants, as well as groundwater and surface runoff (stormwater, meltwater, rainwater) which can become polluted and can be lead also to negative economic impacts. Therefore, technologies of wastewater treatment have received global attention. The main objective of this paper is presents a literature review of some of the popular wastewater treatment techniques.

Keywords : wastewater; sludge; Membrane; SBR

With the rapid population growth, economic progress in addition to the global climate change (global warming), the demand for saving the limited natural resources become a huge challenge facing the world. Water is one of the natural resources that has become increasingly scarce and many of them are polluted by various human activities. Moreover, discharge untreated wastewater into surface waters such as river and lakes can causes human health problems and harm huge on the environmental through the negative impact on the wildlife, marine life and plants, as well as groundwater and surface runoff (stormwater, meltwater, rainwater) which can become polluted and can be lead also to negative economic impacts. Therefore, technologies of wastewater treatment have received global attention. The main objective of this paper is presents a literature review of some of the popular wastewater treatment techniques.

Keywords : wastewater; sludge; Membrane; SBR

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